2nd - 16th April 2012

"The Open Conversational Web" at Asia's Premier Open Technology Event

FOSSASIA Blog Watch Talks


Open Design Week 1

April 2-9, 2012, Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon)

The first week will give Vietnamese designers in Ho Chi Minh City the opportunity to get to know and learn from international designers from Europe. International visitors will meet up with companies and students in universities. Three introduction workshops will offer local designers the chance to dig into new design concepts and learn about new Open Source software tools used in todays European art and design scene. These workshops are a preparation for the second intensive work week. At the end of the week an exhibition dedicated to Open Design will be opened.


Designers, university lecturers, students, artists, local open source communities.


-introducing new design tools, software and practices at presentations across universities and companies in HCM

-gathering people who are interested in learning about design with Free and Open Source software tools

-offering Vietnamese to get to know European designers and learn about their design practices


Dates Time Activity Location Admission
Friday 8am-22pm International designers arrive in Vietnam Ho Chi Minh City N.A.
Saturday 8 pm Open Design Pre-Event Meet up(Tell the waiters our key word "opendesign" to join us on the roof.) Roof top @ Spotted Cow Bar, 111 Bui Vien, Dist. 1, HCMC Welcome Drink sponsored by MBM
Sunday 9-12pm and

Open Design Camp Saigon
Workshop 1: Fonts
Workshop 2: Vector illustration
Workshop 3: Lay-out

Open Design Weeks - Welcome Dinner(Call Hong Phuc for reservations: 0939871001)
University of Fine Arts, 05 Phan Dang Luu, Dist. Binh Thanh,

Thanh Nien Restaurant 11 Nguyen Van Chiem, Dist 1, HCMC

Entrance Fee
Monday 8am-5pm Visit of university in HCMC: Presentations and introduction of software tools for designers University of Fine Arts, 05 Phan Dang Luu, Dist. Binh Thanh, Free
Tuesday 8am-5pm Workshop Sessions at TMA Solution in Quang Trung Software City TMA Solutions, QTSC Donations are welcome
Wednesday 8am-5pm Workshop Sessions / Visit to Designer Labs and companies FPT Arena, Donations are welcome
Thursday 8am-5pm Exhibition preparation Lam Design Studio HCM Free
Friday 10am-5pm

Set up of Open Design Exhibition with local partners

Opening of Open Design Exhibition
Trung Nguyen Cafe, 19B Pham Ngoc Thach, Dist. 1, HCMC

Trung Nguyen Cafe, 19B Pham Ngoc Thach, Dist. 1, HCMC

Entrance Free
Saturday 10 am Designers preparation for second week NA NA
Sunday 7am-7pm Mekong Excursion and gathering material "Between Folk Art and Industrial Production". Arrival in Cantho in evening


Open Design Week 2

Can Tho City, 11-16 April, 2012

The second week is set up around two intensive design workshops in Cantho City addressing themes and methods linked to interdisciplinary work with new software tools including content publication, mapping and professional font design. Tools taught include Inkscape, Gimp, OpenStreetMap, Fontforge, GIT/SVN, FontMatrix, Fonzy/Nancy and ConTeXT. Each workshop runs for two days. Participants of the workshops will contribute as active collaborators and learn by hands on experience from the five European designers. The outcome of workshops will be presented during the Design Camp Cantho at the end of the week.


Students, amateurs and professionals with a design/art background or in computer science/software development. Participants are willing to engage in interdisciplinary experimentation and creative production. Each workshop has max. 20 participants. Scholarships are available.


-learning together with others about new design tools and ideas

-enabling participants to do design projects with free software tools

-creating an opportunity for indepth exchange between participants from two continents

-engaging in collaborative work across disciplinary, cultural and language borders

-documenting the process in a way that it can be used in future projects



Dates Time Activity Location Admission
Monday 9.00

9.10am-12pm and 1.30-5pm

Official Opening Second Design Week Cantho

Workshop (Day 1): Font Design

Cantho Night/Evening Life Excursion photograph collections for material collection
3D Cafe, 11/39B Mau Than

3D Cafe, 11/39B Mau Than



Tuesday 9am-12pm and 1.30-5pm Workshop (Day 2): Font Design 3D Cafe, 11/39B Mau Than (see above)

Mekong Floating Market Boat tour, visit to Crocodile Island followed by visit to the Cantho museum

OSP gathers and co-works with local designers, preparations for second workshop
Mekong River

Cantho, MBM
Boat fee

Thursday 9am-12pm and 1.30-5pm Workshop (Day 1): Collaborative Publication 3D Cafe, 11/39B Mau Than Please enquire for details: Phuc Hau at 07103833636
Friday 9am-12pm and 1.30-5pm Workshop (Day 2): Collaborative Publication 3D Cafe, 11/39B Mau Than Please enquire for details: Phuc Hau at 07103833636

Design Camp Cantho: Public presentations of design work, ideas and software

Open Design Dinner “Good Bye Mekong Delta”
Cantho, MBM

Cantho Restaurant

Cover Fee
Sunday 8am OSP travels back to Europe HCM (Saigon)